Inspirational Stories

Personal stories have always inspired me to do better and be better at something. While caring for my loved ones, I had the pleasure of meeting some amazing caregivers and hearing their stories of strength and endurance. During our conversations, they shared their struggles, fears, obstacles and memories of their loved ones.

While each story was a different set of circumstances, they all had one important factor in common… they all felt the calling to care. Some felt it immediately while others grew into it, but they all responded with compassion to their loved ones’ needs. It has reassured me that I am on the right path in my caregiving journey.

Join me in reading their Inspirational Stories… a journey worth experiencing!

Sandwich Generation Caregivers: After The Stroke

Sandwich Generation Caregivers:
After The Stroke

Have you heard the term “Sandwich Generation Caregivers?” It refers to adults, mostly middle-aged women, who are juggling two generations of caregiving. Caring for older and younger family members simultaneously can feel very much like being in the middle of a sandwich. It is a stressful place to be. When adults take on the responsibility of...

Role Reversal:Caring For An Aging Parent

Role Reversal:
Caring For An Aging Parent

I met Nancy 30+ years ago when I moved back to North Carolina. At the time, she was working in a placement agency and placed me in my first job. She sent me on unique assignments and as the months went by, we became friends. During our friendship, I spent time with Nancy, her mom and entire family. It was a pleasure getting to know everyone,...